mw012 - dj-takemura - hoping for the sun
Artist: DJ-Takemura
Title: Hoping for the Sun Format: 12” Tracks: A 1. Hoping for the Sun (Dew Drop Mix) A 2. Harmonium B 1. The Quest is a Reward B 2. The Quest is a Reward (Mythos Mix) Released: 13th September 1993 Cover description: Full sleeve with printed obi Cover Design: Typografix by Swifty Liner Notes: “Recording, Mixing & Remix Engineer by Another artist featured on the Jazz Hip Jap project long player, Takemura is someone many headz out there will know & await this new material, liftin' of with a remix of his classical Ryo Kanasaki "Trinkets & Things" remake, Takemura add's new vocals, percussion, sax 'n' beatz, then it's time to drop the new shit! "Harmonium" again on the same tip is a journey through bossa grooves, vocal scats, heavy b-lines 'n' luscious flute & piano solo's, whilst "The Quest Is The Reward" kicks hard more fresh vibez hittin u with phata' beatz, dope jazz drums, vibes & trumpet solo's & scat vocals, basically a slice of classic japanese electro. So jus tune in with the "Rod Lava" flava!”
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