mw013 - palm skins productions - in a silent way
Artist: Palm Skin Productions
Title: In a Silent Way Format: 12” Tracks: Silent Side 1. In a Silent Way Five-A-Side 1. The Sunlight On the Garden 2. In a Silent Way (Meditation) Released: September 1993 Cover description: Full sleeve with printed obi Cover Design: Typografix by Swifty Liner Notes: “Midnight at PALMSKIN HQ and all is quiet. Freshly brewed grooves bubble gently in deep vats and sweet clouds of herbal harmony fill the air. The pinprick studio lights mix with flickering torches in a warm glow as the refrain curls out of the speakers in a hypnotic snake dance. Chatter and noise flow like a tide through the city, but up in the pastures the music is heard in a silent way. PALMSKIN drawsdeep and surfaces with some fresh budded vinyl guaranteed to blow the clouds away. (In a Silent Way is an improvisation on a theme by Zawinul. The Sunlight on the Garden was inspired by Louis Macneice's poem)” Notes: Silent Side and Five-A-Side's tracks are switched onto each others side, same as the last Palm Skin 12". The spelling of "Purveyors" is corrected.
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